Sunday, February 27, 2005

What Great .NET Developers Ought To Know

"How many years .NET experience did you say you have?"

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Regular Expression Library

Regular Expression Library: "Welcome to, the Internet's first Regular Expression Library. Currently we have indexed 898 expressions from contributors around the world."

An execellent website, thanks to Stuart Dunkeld via ProFox for pointing it out.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

VFP 9 & opportunistic locking

A reader sent in the following:

“We recently discovered that our VFP8 app was encountering corrupt databases (error 2091) regularly and have determined the cause to be opportunistic locking on the server and workstations. We have been unable to find any reference to opportunistic locks or their impact on VFP RDBMS in any of the VFP documentation from vfp5 through 8.”

The resolution is related to how the OS is disk caching.

Windows XP SP2 / Win2k*:

Cut and paste the following into a file called woplocks.reg and run it on the workstations:



Cut and paste the following into a file called soplocks.reg and run it on the server



Novel settings are:

Opportunistic Locking set off
Cache Rights set off
Delay Rights set off
Packet Burst set off
True Commits set ON

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Malicious Software Removal Tool

New tool from Microsoft, deals with malicous programs.

This tool scans for and cleans malicious software associated with the following security threats:
• Berbew
• Blaster
• DoomJuice
• Gaobot
• Korgo
• Mydoom
• Nachi
• Netsky
• Randex
• Sasser
• Zafi
• Zindos